Standards of conduct

For Wanzl, compliance means that all employees abide by the legal provisions, regulatory standards and other ethical standards and requirements set by the company itself. In the Wanzl Code of Conduct, we have summarized the standards and values that apply to all Wanzl co-workers worldwide.

Responsible conduct towards co-workers, customers, business partners, the environment and society is the philosophy at Wanzl, and this is inextricably linked with the corporate identity. This reliability is a key reason why Wanzl has been a world leader for many decades and why it has become a valued partner to global customers and business partners.

As a family company, we are interested in maintaining a robust working relationship with our business partners, focusing on the exceptional quality of our deliveries and services and a clear commitment to fair conduct.

Learn about our standards and values and download the Wanzl Code of Conduct at:

Compliance / Wanzl Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners

Whistleblower system

As a high-performance and value-oriented family business, we place high demands on ourselves. Compliance with legal requirements and internal rules is of the utmost importance for Wanzl worldwide. Violations are not tolerated and are consistently pursued by Wanzl everywhere in the world. In order to identify potential violations in good time and to initiate the proper measures, Wanzl has established a whistleblower system that can be used by both Wanzl employees and business partners (hereinafter referred to as “whistleblowers”). The aim is for whistleblowers to draw attention to irregularities in order to enable Wanzl to minimize financial and reputational damage in good time.

Violations of the law may include, for example, the following:

• Bribery/corruption (advantages are granted by Wanzl employees)

• Bribery/corruption (advantages are granted to Wanzl employees)

• Granting benefits to public officials  

• Embezzlement

• Manipulation (selected items) of the annual financial statements or internal reporting

• Violations of antitrust and competition law

• Violations of export control regulations

• Discrimination based on sex, skin color, ethnic origin, sexual identity, disability, religion or belief

Who can a whistleblower turn to?

In the event of suspicions, whistleblowers can, on the one hand, contact Wanzl directly (for example, a supervisor or the Compliance department) or use a reporting channel operated by independent ombudspersons (middlepersons) of the auditing company BDO on behalf of Wanzl. Information can be reported openly or anonymously. Even if whistleblowers wish to disclose their identity to the ombudspersons, the ombudspersons may, if the whistleblower so wishes, refuse disclosure to Wanzl; this is an important contribution for protecting whistleblowers. 

Wanzl will examine the incoming reports very carefully and follow them up consistently. It is also important not to jump to conclusions and to protect wrongly accused employees from inappropriate sanctions. All in all, a fair process must be maintained for all the parties involved.


BDO has appointed the following ombudsperson to receive reports:


Markus Brinkmann, Ombudsperson

Markus Brinkmann has many years of experience as an ombudsperson and in conducting national and international forensic investigations. In a number of cases, he presented the results personally at Supervisory Board/Management Board/Compliance meetings or at shareholders’ meetings.

Benedict Benz, Deputy Ombudsman

Benedict Benz has experience as an ombudsperson and national and international expertise in the handling of special forensic investigations in Germany, Asia and the Middle East.

How to submit a report to the ombudspersons:

1. Internet platform

You can reach the ombudspersons at BDO at any time via an Internet-based communication platform. If you wish, you can even remain anonymous to the ombudspersons at BDO and have an anonymous exchange with them. 

2. Telephone

Alternatively, you can reach the ombudspersons on working days from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CET) by telephone using the following numbers:

Country of whistleblower or outgoing call

Telephone number
Germany  0800-8922222
USA 877 803 5575
United Kingdom 0808 238 9592
Czech Republic  0800 088 808
China North
China South 


Denmark 808 87785


3. Posting a letter

Another option is to reach the ombudspersons by sending a letter to the following address:

Private/strictly confidential
Mr. Markus Brinkmann
Mr. Benedict Benz
BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Fuhlentwiete 12
20355 Hamburg, Germany

Please note that this whistleblower system has been set up for reporting compliance-related matters. We kindly ask for your understanding that other concerns cannot be addressed.


Other questions about compliance at Wanzl

For general questions about compliance at Wanzl, questions about the Wanzl Code of Conduct, or if you are not sure about the correct conduct in a particular case, please contact the Compliance Officer of the Wanzl Group. You can reach the Compliance Officer as follows:

Wanzl GmbH & Co. Holding KG
Compliance Officer
Rudolf-Wanzl-Straße 4,
89340 Leipheim, Germany

E-mail address:
Telephone number: +49 8221 / 729-6777

Wanzl whistleblower system

German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Responsibility in the supply chain – Wanzl Group declaration of principles

Legally embedding due diligence in the supply chain is a significant step towards a more responsible and ethical global economy. This aims to ensure compliance with human rights and environmental standards in companies’ supply chains. In its declaration of principles on due diligence in the supply chain, the Wanzl Group formally pledges to respect human rights.

The Wanzl Group’s declaration of principles is more than just a formal gesture – it is a public commitment and serves as the basis for the systematic integration of due diligence obligations into business processes. This statement outlines our strategies, processes and measures aimed at identifying, preventing and mitigating human rights violations and environmental damage throughout the supply chain. It is thus a key tool to strengthen our responsibility and drive positive change towards a more sustainable and equitable global economy. It is an expression of our awareness that Wanzl aims to make an important contribution to promoting human rights and environmental protection.

Wanzl is committed to respecting human rights throughout the Group. We review this declaration of principles regularly, at least once a year, and adapt it to new insights where necessary.


Reporting pursuant to Section 10(2) of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) is the first legally binding regulation of corporate responsibility for compliance with human rights in supply chains. Specifically, the LkSG obliges companies to observe human rights and certain environmental due diligence obligations in their supply chains in an appropriate manner.  The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) entered into force in Germany on January 1, 2023. Wanzl GmbH & Co. KGaA is subject to the due diligence obligations specified in the law due to the size characteristics defined in the law.

Wanzl GmbH & Co. KGaA is obliged to submit a report to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle: BAFA) pursuant to Section 10 (2) LkSG. The reporting obligation applies for the first time for the 2023 fiscal year. Deadlines have been set for the submission of the report. Wanzl will publish the report below in accordance with the statutory obligations in compliance with these deadlines. Changes to the disclosure obligations arise in connection with the legislative measures, including in connection with the inter-relationships with the sustainability reporting obligations in accordance with the CSRD, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.