The University of St. Gallen protects its sports facilities from unauthorised entry. To ensure a fast and smooth process, two Galaxy Gates with extra-high ESG swivel arms control passenger traffic to the sports facilities of the HSG campus. Access is granted only to authorised persons of the university, the universities of applied sciences and the Pedagogical University of St. Gallen. The access authorisation is checked by means of an RFID card in the direction of entry and exit. After the check, the gate opens automatically. An extra-wide passageway also provides access for disabled persons and can be used for transporting goods. The Galaxy Gate from Wanzl is also eye-catching and is a perfect accent to the plain grey halls of the university building.
"Access to the sports hall is only permitted to students, teaching staff and other authorised persons of the University. With the Galaxy Gates, we expect to not only control the movement of people quickly and safely, but also to prevent theft".