The Wheels Don't Stop Rolling

The trolley is often the first and last point of contract that a customer has with the store. The availability of the right trolley contributes to the overall enjoyment of the shopping experience and creates positive associations with the brand. Through maximising availability at the front of the store you can increase the sales opportunities within the store.

Apart from convenience, the correct management of the trolley fleet helps to ensure safety in busy retail parks which are often congested as vehicles, customers and trolleys interact and move through confined areas. The risk of collision is high and stray trolleys become obstacles which can cause damage to cars and injury to unsuspecting shoppers.

No Messing Around

Effective traffic management in a busy carpark can increase customer sales whilst reducing dissatisfaction. Our Car Park Marshalling service can be used weekly, special projects or for peak periods. Our aim is to ensure smooth traffic flow whilst supporting on site operation teams. We focus on ensuring any congestion is avoided or quickly resolved to ensure we avoid any reduced customer experience whilst in your shopping area.

Also effective management of your car park areas during quiet times can improve traffic flow and productivity. We can manage and maintain all types of carparks from single level to multi-storey. installation of Wanzl original spare parts, anywhere at any time.

A Service Worth A Life Time

The indirect benefits are that a large number of valuable assets are protected from physical damage which maximises the service life of the trolley and trolleys are retained on the premises of the store. This reduces trolley replacement costs whilst at the same tame helps prevent the incident of ‘stray’ trolleys in the surrounding neighbourhood which can cause harm to the environment and irritation to the public.

We are specialists in effective car park management throughout the UK. Our customers benefit from efficient marshalling and retrieval of trolleys. The risk of injury and collision damage is reduced and the store’s liability risk is minimised. Our car park management team offers a range of bespoke services which includes Trolley management, Security, Car Park Monitoring and Exterior Cleaning.

A Helping Hand

Our Car Park Marshalling service can be used weekly, special projects or for peak periods. Our aim is to ensure smooth traffic flow whilst supporting on site operation teams. We focus on ensuring any congestion is avoided or quickly resolved to ensure we avoid any reduced customer experience whilst in your shopping area. Also effective management of your car park areas during quiet times can improve traffic flow and productivity.

We can manage and maintain all types of carparks from single level to multi-storey. installation of Wanzl original spare parts, anywhere at any time.