Self Checkout Exit Gates

Act today to prevent for tomorrow . . .

  • Reduce Shrinkage in your stores . . .
  • Protect your people & Assets . . .
  • Let your team take control . . .

Our exit gate solutions will keep your mind at ease and serve as a deterrent to opportunist thieves! Shrinkage in the UK is a fast growing concern for any company in retail industry…  take action today to prepare for tomorrow.

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Act today to prevent for tomorrow . . .

Act today to prevent for tomorrow . . .
Our gate solutions challenge shrinkage head-on! They deter opportunist thieves attempting to steal stock via the self checkout area

Protect people & Assets . . .

Protect people & Assets . . .
We can help you further reduce shrinkage potential with simple integrations into our gate systems. These include bar-coded receipt barcode verification with exit granted upon automated valid proof of payment, or with an Intelligent 3D anonymous Customer Tracking system with the gates integrated.

The Power is in your hands . . .

The Power is in your hands . . .
Safety is our main priority, in the event of an emergency all staff can have a remote control to open the gates manually. The gates can also be connected to fire detection systems, opening automatically when activated.