
New Head of Marketing and Product Management Retail

A new face for a strong brand with a long tradition

37-year-old Jürgen Frank has been leading the marketing department at WANZL since 07 January 2016. Frank succeeds Olaf Mörk, who has taken over a new function outside the industry. Jürgen Frank studied business administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm and since then has been working in various positions as "Marketer". Most recently, in the last four years, Frank was responsible for brand development and product management at an international family-owned company that manufactures gardening tools, among other things. Jürgen Frank is thrilled with his task: "It is a great responsibility to manage the WANZL brand with such a history. In times of rapid change a strong brand like WANZL creates trust with customers and employees. This is a real corporate value which must be developed." 

Another new development is that Jürgen Frank will also be in charge of product management for Retail Solutions. Bernhard Renzhofer, Chief Sales Officer, hopes that this will enable him to integrate the customer perspective and customer needs more closely into product development. "We have always maintained a close relationship with our customers and in the future we want to integrate our long-standing partners even more closely into our product development. It must be one of our strengths to know today what our customers will need tomorrow," says Renzhofer.