
Products 163 results

Salsa® series / Salsa® Eco series

The new generation of plastic shopping trolleys

Special transporters SP2, SP3, SP4

Transport loads easily and conveniently

wire tech 100

A system for successful sales

EL series

Clarity at the checkout – prevention of stocktaking differences

Tango® City / Tango 90 E

Mini trolley with comfortable plastic design

DR 22 children's shopping trolley

Shopping like a grown-up

Shopping trolley with tray for BabySafe

Added service for shoppers with babies in car seats

Shopping trolley for wheelchair users

Less strain and better service for people with disabilities


Proven entrance solutions with many functions as standard

Classic swing gates

Simply compact

BakeOff® 2.0/2.1

Keeps bread rolls fresh

BakeOff® 3.0

High level of hygiene

BakeOff® Display

Attractive presentation of baked goods

BakeOff i

Sell bread and baked goods smartly

BakeOff® light

Quick and easy access to baked goods

Mobile store

The ideal 24/7 solution for your customers


Here comes something fresh

vino tech

Every bottle perfectly placed


Product presentation to boost impulse buying

Genesis Self-Checkout

Relieves your staff and reduces queues in the checkout area


The shopping trolley lock is going digital

Mini markets

A supermarket in the hotel foyer

Smart Exit

Convenience and safety in the self-checkout zone

wanzl connect®

Platform for digitalising brick-and-mortar retail

"P" bargain table

The classic design, proven over many years.