
Products 262 results

Safety turnstile

The classic entrance solution


Shopping trolleys that sell well at all levels

Security checkout barrier

The extremely reliable solution for the checkout zone

Sedo shopping trolley

An extraordinary service for your senior citizens

Serving trolley EG 300

The classic serving trolley

Shelf insert baskets

For clear presentation of the product range

Shelf/insert basket systems

L series for normal loads, S series for heavy loads

Shelved laundry container AL

A mobile container for transporting laundry

Shelved laundry trolley KT3

Transport trolley for clean laundry.

Shield for security tag system

This keeps security tag systems functioning reliably

Shopping trolley with Trend baby seat

Service with an added smile for little ones

SideRack 2.0

For presentation and sale of baked goods

Sigma Bike

Bicycle shelter

Sigma Present

Outdoor sales shelter – presenting and selling items outdoors

Sigma Special

Shelter for customised solutions

Sigma trolley shelter

Shopping trolley shelter – point of service – day and night

Sirio turnstile

Elegant motor-driven turnstile

Slip castor protection

Protects castors and prevents damage


The lockable smartphone holder for shopping trolleys

SmartStop trolley security

Shopping trolleys remain available in the store or in the car park

Solid coin deposit system

System with coin slide technology for transport trolleys

SP5 Special Transporter

For shopping in DIY stores

Special transporter SP2 M

The all-purpose transporter for furniture, accessories and decorative items

Sprung-base trolley AL

A laundry trolley for smooth service